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9 Homeschool Field Trip Ideas

9 Homeschool Field Trip Ideas

By Alyssa EspositoSome days, you can feel it; school is just not going to happen like usual. Maybe the siblings are arguing, a kitchen appliance broke, and breakfast is chaos, or the weather is too nice not to enjoy it. Whatever the situation, one of the great things about homeschooling is that your days can be flexible,...Read More
The New Socialization

The New Socialization

By Davis CarmanFathers…Take them [your children] by the hand and lead them in the way of the Master. — Ephesians 6:4 (MSG) Even if the name of Ivan Pavlov, the Russian Nobel Prize laureate, doesn’t “ring a bell,” you’ve probably heard of his dogs. Pavlov performed neurological experiments with dogs in an attempt to understand reflexes. He...Read More
The Vaccine Hot Potato

The Vaccine Hot Potato

By Davis CarmanVaccines have always been a hot potato. These days, vaccination seems to be more of a red-hot, blister-burning coal than a hand-warming, foil-wrapped spud. I’m confident that you and the rest of our readers have done some research on vaccines in the last 24 months. Therefore, it’s reasonable for me to assume that you are...Read More
Why We Love Apologia Math

Why We Love Apologia Math

By Alyssa EspositoMany students grow up loving math. They love the way it’s a universally understood language and that it has finite answers and patterns. Breezing through their curriculum, they enjoy all things numbers. But there are also many students who struggle with, or simply don’t enjoy math. For those students, there was a point in time,...Read More
When Will I Ever Use Algebra?

When Will I Ever Use Algebra?

By Katie Pennington“When will I ever use Algebra?” I’ve heard that question so many times, from not only students but parents also. Each time I hear it, I am reminded that this is a serious question that needs to be answered. Instead of just giving some overcast, cloudy answer like, “every day,” I am going to answer...Read More
5 Homeschool Marriage Sticking Points

5 Homeschool Marriage Sticking Points

By Apologia MarketingHave you ever considered how homeschooling might affect your homeschool marriage? We tend to talk about how homeschooling can improve your relationship with your kids. However, if you know where the sticking points are, you can avoid the trap of letting home education become a sore spot between you and your spouse and negatively affecting...Read More
How to Homeschool with Stunning Confidence, Contagious Joy, and Amazing Focus

How to Homeschool with Stunning Confidence, Contagious Joy, and Amazing Focus

By Apologia MarketingGet Started Homeschooling with Confidence Whether you are getting started with your homeschool journey or have been on this path for some time, we want to help you be confident, joyous, and focused in your homeschooling. Our reasons for homeschooling are often as varied as our families. There are some common threads, however, and struggles...Read More