Tips for Creating a Homeschool Daily Schedule from a Mom of 9
By April LeshFor all of you Type A homeschoolers out there, the words “structure” and “routine” translate to blissful harmony in the soul. Scheduling your school day is a no-brainer and is achieved oh-so-effortlessly. For the Type B’s (like me), those words are akin to a foreign language. It’s a language we want to know, but it’s...Read More
Boosting Literacy: Fun and Effective Ways to Help Struggling Readers
By April LeshI have been homeschooling for over a decade now, and if you asked me what aspects have been most rewarding, most intimidating, and most frustrating, my answer would be the same for all three: teaching kids how to read! Reading feels a bit like magic. A bunch of symbols march neatly on a page, and...Read More
Family Reading and Devotions
By April LeshFreedom is one of the biggest blessings of choosing to homeschool your children. You can focus on: “what kind of home environment- what kind of nurturing feelings do I want to cultivate in these little souls that God has given me to raise?” Beyond the typical breakfast, lunch, and dinner staples, in our homeschool, there...Read More