A Homeschooling Prayer… or Two… or Three…
Join with the team at Apologia for a homeschooling prayer, or two, or three. We challenge you to pray for homeschooling as it continues to rise across the country.
During the summer of 2020, the Apologia team committed to praying every day from June 19 through September 7. Our motivation was the fact that tens of millions of parents were seriously considering the idea of homeschooling in the coming school year. As you know, the COVID-19 pandemic and the spring shelter-at-home orders resulted in a mandatory trial run of some form of school-at-home for 60 million K–12 students across the U.S.
I tell you this because we’re going to continue our homeschooling prayer effort in 2021, and we want you to join us. Starting Tuesday, February 9, at 4:00 p.m. Eastern, you can join me for a monthly time of prayer on Facebook Live, where we will approach the throne of grace and pray as a community with thanksgiving in our hearts. The plan is to meet on the second Tuesday of each month this year. I hope you can make it. Click here to connect to the Apologia Facebook page for the live video. Please feel free during these gatherings to post your own prayers, dreams, hopes, and encouraging comments to the page.
To provide you some additional background, last month I wrote about four possible scenarios for the 2021–22 school year and the school choice families must make this fall. I even went out on a limb and made a very specific prediction. You can read that article here. To my mind, homeschoolers have plenty of reason to pray regardless of which scenario actually comes to pass.
I can think of many things we can be praying for the current homeschool movement, but here are ten items we will specifically pray about in the coming year. Obviously, you should also pray about anything else the Spirit puts on your heart.
A Homeschooling Prayer to Consider:
- That the millions of families who are considering the possibility of homeschooling this fall will say “yes” and not get cold feet. Many of these will be families who were seriously thinking about homeschooling in 2020 but decided against it for whatever reason. Pray they will decide they just have to give it try this time around.
- That the families who started their homeschooling journey in 2020 will continue into a second school year. And that families who are in their third or fourth year of home education will commit for the long haul.
- That the families who do start in the fall will experience a smooth beginning.
- That these families will experience the many blessings of homeschooling, including closer family relationships.
- That families will soak in the making of positive, shared life memories such as learning to read, finally figuring out fractions, or doing a science experiment in the kitchen.
- That families will love learning together. In other words, that their students will be able to say, “I love homeschooling,” in contrast to the millions of young people who are quick to say, “I hate school.”
- That homeschool resource providers will be able to supply the increased demand for curriculum and other resources.
- That homeschooling will present opportunities for the gospel to be shared, heard, and believed by families, friends, and neighbors.
- That home schools all across the globe will start and thrive in their homelands—places like Russia, Brazil, Hungary, Kenya, Australia, Japan, and the Philippines. Don’t forget to pray for families and lawmakers in countries where homeschooling is illegal, such as Germany and Sweden. They need our prayers.
- That the millions of existing homeschooling families will join together and collectively lift their prayers to our heavenly Father.
Walking by faith and enjoying the homeschooling adventure of a lifetime!
Davis Carman
Davis is the president of Apologia Educational Ministries, the #1 publisher of Creation- based science and Bible curriculum. He is the author of five illustrated children’s books designed to help parents instill a biblical worldview in the hearts and minds of their preschoolers. He believes that if there was ever a time to homeschool, it is now! You can hear more of what he has to say at the Let’s Talk Homeschool Podcast.
© 2021 Davis Carman