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Creation – The Who, What, Why, and How?

Creation – The Who, What, Why, and How?

By Davis CarmanFor we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now. And not only the creation, but we ourselves…  — Romans 8:22-23a The...Read More
Devotional: A Call to “Lock Down” and Grieve Our Sin

Devotional: A Call to “Lock Down” and Grieve Our Sin

By Davis Carman…though your sins are as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow… — Isaiah 1:18 An Infectious Disease Sin is infectious and deadly. It affects everyone and everything it...Read More
The Heavens Proclaim the Work of their Creator

The Heavens Proclaim the Work of their Creator

By Davis Carman The Heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims His handiwork. –Psalm 19:1 By God alone can God be known. The first half of this chapter is...Read More
Devotional: A Younger Son, an Older Son, and a Father

Devotional: A Younger Son, an Older Son, and a Father

By Davis CarmanThe older brother was angry and wouldn’t go in. His father came out and begged him. — Luke 15:28 The Prodigal Son Story You probably are familiar with the parable...Read More
The Science Behind a Solar Eclipse

The Science Behind a Solar Eclipse

By Davis CarmanPsalm 148:3 Praise Him, sun and moon, praise Him, all you shining stars! Exploring Creation Apologia is known for science. As the number-one publisher of creation-based science, math, and Bible...Read More
Do You Believe? Based on the Ancient Creeds

Do You Believe? Based on the Ancient Creeds

By Davis CarmanThis short, illustrated book titled “Do You Believe?” is based on the ancient creeds. It’s meant to be a beautiful way for you and your children to remember the basic...Read More
Do You Worship a Sun God? Don’t Answer Too Fast!

Do You Worship a Sun God? Don’t Answer Too Fast!

By Davis CarmanElijah went before the people and said, “How long will you waver between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow him; but if Baal is God, follow him.” (1...Read More
Life’s Ultimate Questions

Life’s Ultimate Questions

By Davis CarmanFor all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. — Romans 3:23 Does God exist? Is truth knowable? What is the purpose of life? These are some of...Read More
It Just Takes Two

It Just Takes Two

By Davis Carman“All the Law and the Prophets depend on these two commands.” (Matthew 22:40) Six-hundred-thirteen. Remember that number. According to Jewish tradition, that’s how many laws were officially on the books...Read More
It’s Not Easy to Climb Smooth Mountains

It’s Not Easy to Climb Smooth Mountains

By Davis CarmanOur American culture likes things to be quick and easy. Think about breakfast. Cereal with milk takes seconds to prepare, even if you top it off with some healthy fruit....Read More