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Tips for Creating a Homeschool Daily Schedule from a Mom of 9

Tips for Creating a Homeschool Daily Schedule from a Mom of 9

By April LeshFor all of you Type A homeschoolers out there, the words “structure” and “routine” translate to blissful harmony in the soul. Scheduling your school day is a no-brainer and is achieved oh-so-effortlessly. For the Type B’s (like me), those words are akin to a foreign language. It’s a language we want to know, but it’s...Read More
Plan Your Work, Work Your Plan, Anticipate Resistance

Plan Your Work, Work Your Plan, Anticipate Resistance

By Davis CarmanA man plans his ways, but the Lord determines his steps. –Proverbs 16:9 Do you make homeschool plans? I’m a big planner. My wife shares my affinity for planning. We like making a list of tasks to complete, designing a schedule for when we will tackle each item, and then putting our noses to the...Read More