By Michelle MoodyIn Exploring Creation with Zoology 3: Land Animals of the Sixth Day, Jeannie Fulbright outlines an experiment to help demonstrate the effectiveness of God’s design for animal camouflage. Our family completed this fun animal camouflage activity, and the procedure and results are pictured below. We followed the core experiment, then added a little twist after...Read More
Sound Waves Science Lesson with “Chicken Clucking”
By Apologia MarketingWhat is Sound? Sound starts as a vibration of the molecules in the air, called sound waves. If the sound wave makes it into a person’s ear, it will vibrate the structures of the inner ear, which will be interpreted by the brain as sound! If sound is caused by a sound wave, why are...Read More
Writing Doesn’t Have to Involve Kleenexes®
By Sharon WatsonWriting is hard. At least, that’s what students tell me. Writing makes their hands hurt. They don’t know where to begin. They don’t know how to construct paragraphs. If they’re not interested in the topic, they can’t think of anything to write anyway. The list goes on and on and is pretty much the same...Read More