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Take the Guesswork Out of Grading

Simplify Your Student’s Learning Journey with AutoGrade+ from Apologia. 

Apologia’s AutoGrade+ provides dynamic online testing for Apologia courses with multiple attempts, immediate answer feedback, and automatic grade recording.

As students advance in their coursework at their own pace, Apologia’s AutoGrade+ provides the accountability students need to master their subject materials before they move on. And with test scores automatically generated, parents can use the time saved to focus on other tasks.

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Benefits of AutoGrade+

Student Independence

Embrace the freedom to learn at your own pace! AutoGrade+ equips students to take control of their educational journey and test their knowledge when they feel they’ve fully understood the course material and are ready to advance to the next module.

Saves Time for Parents

Say goodbye to hours of grading! AutoGrade+ efficiently auto-grades course tests, saving valuable time for parents so they can focus on other tasks. Plus, it holds the student accountable for the grade, not the parent.

Builds Student Confidence

With the dynamic features of AutoGrade+, testing is no longer a once and done attempt. Immediate feedback is provided for each answer so that students can see where they have made a mistake and review those materials, and the grace to retake a test removes the anxiety of a grade fixed in stone. The test bank ensures students don’t just see the same question over and over again.

Portfolio and Transcript Support

Seamlessly build comprehensive portfolios and transcripts with AutoGrade+ grade tracking. Parents can view and print the student’s grade within their account, allowing them to monitor progress and compile a comprehensive record of their child’s grades throughout the course.

Ready to start using AutoGrade+?

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How Does AutoGrade+ Work?

Dynamic Online Testing

Students log into their account and select the test corresponding to the completed module. The AutoGrade+ dynamic online testing platform is designed to cater to diverse learning styles, and a test bank ensures that questions are different if a student chooses to retake a test. Immediate feedback is given to students and a grade is automatically generated and recorded.

Multiple Tries

Reinforce learning and improve performance with Apologia’s AutoGrade+ by allowing your student to repeat a test if necessary to master the materials.

Extensive Test Bank

Access a vast repository of high-quality questions related to the subject matter, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the course.

Immediate Feedback

There’s nothing worse than missing a question on a test and not knowing why. AutoGrade+ is designed to give your student the feedback necessary to understand a missed concept and review the material again.

Auto-Graded Assessments

Say farewell to manual grading! AutoGrade+ automatically grades assessments, providing accurate and efficient results that take the guesswork out of manually grading assessments.

Track Grades

Your AutoGrade+ account will keep track of grades throughout the year for easy reference and record-keeping. A record of test grades can be printed for a portfolio or transcript.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can I use online testing with multiple students?

    Absolutely! Each student will need their own online testing account so grades can be recorded individually.

  • Will parents have access to view grades?

    Yes! Parents can access all grades by logging into the student’s account with the registered email address and password.

  • How long do I get access to grade records?

    You will receive AutoGrade+ access for 365 days starting from date of purchase. Grade records can be printed at any time during that year-long period for your records.

  • How many retakes are allowed?

    In each course, Modules 1 and 2 have unlimited retake ability, allowing students to feel comfortable and confident with the testing format, question types, and course content. Modules 3 and beyond will allow students two test attempts each, always keeping the highest score.

  • Are the tests timed?

    No. We have purposefully removed all timers, chosen to show the whole test as a list, and allowed extra attempts to help alleviate test anxiety and provide a more confident testing environment for all students and learning styles.

  • Can you change or alter grades?

    Apologia’s AutoGrade+ generates the grades given for the tests associated with the Apologia course your student is taking. The reported and printed materials generated by AutoGrade+ are not capable of being changed by the parent or the student.

    A test grade, a lab grade, and your student’s overall participation work contribute to the overall grade for the course. Detailed information on calculating a final course grade can be found in the Student Notebook. As a homeschooling parent, you are free to redistribute points as you see fit.

    It is important to note that Apologia does not report grades to outside sources or provide a transcript for any of our products or services, including Self-Paced, Video On Demand, Live Online Classes, and AutoGrade+.

    Your homeschool has the final authority and is responsible for tracking grades and reporting the final score on the student’s school transcript. HSLDA offers great resources with additional information on grading for your homeschool.

  • Will I still need a Solutions and Test Manual?

    No. AutoGrade+ includes all the components of the printed Apologia Solutions and Tests Manual.

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