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Fresh Wind and Healing Oil – Holy Spirit Refreshment

Davis Carman|April 5, 2019

Fresh Wind and Healing Oil – Holy Spirit Refreshment 

“The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.” (John 3:8)

God Breathes His Spirit Into Those Who Receive His Son

Just as God breathed life into the body of Adam, so He breathes His Holy Spirit into those who receive His Son, Jesus Christ, and believe in Him. Just as the human body without breath is physically dead, so those who do not have the Holy Spirit are spiritually dead. But those who are born again are given new life “by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit” (Titus 3:5).

The Greek word pneuma, translated as “Spirit” in the New Testament, literally means “a current of air,” such as wind or breath. When God’s Spirit came upon the 120 or so disciples gathered on the Day of Pentecost, “there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind” (Acts 2:2). The Spirit is the Breath of God, the wind in our sails that lifts us from the doldrums, gives us direction, and provides us with power to do God’s will.

Holy Spirit Refreshment and Rejuvenation

You can’t always see the Holy Spirit working in your life, just like you can’t see the wind blowing. But just as you can step outside and feel the effects of an invigorating breeze, you can get in step with the Spirit and experience His rejuvenating power. If you’re feeling weary in your faith walk, too tired to take another step, let Him refresh you. If you are running the good race but feeling out of breath, let Him be your spiritual oxygen.

Healing and Strength from the Oil of Gladness

The Holy Spirit will also refresh you by anointing you with the oil of gladness (Psalm 45:7). The Lord knows your sorrows. He hears your cries and identifies with your trials and suffering (Psalm 34:18). He will gladly pour out His Spirit upon you that you may rejoice in your adversity (Psalm 31:7).

Let God pour His presence upon your soul to give you healing and strength. After all, He doesn’t want you to just survive; He wants you to have a full life, an abundant life (John 10:10). The Spirit’s anointing makes it possible for you to deal with discouragement, failure, and difficulties and to see life’s challenges as opportunities to grow and mature in Him. When you have been injured by bruising circumstances or the cutting words of a friend, His healing oil will bathe your wounds, soothe the hurt, and wash away impurities so that you may be whole again.

In This Holy Moment Allow God’s Fresh Wind and Healing Oil Refresh Your Soul

Make time this day to ask the Spirit of God to breathe new life into you and anoint you. Let the oil of gladness flow from the top of your head, over your forehead and cheeks, and down to your chin. It feels good, doesn’t it? Don’t rush to the next thing. Take in this beautiful, peaceful, and holy moment.

Holy Spirit, you are the Breath of God that I need today. I can’t continue this journey without your wind in my sails. Breathe on me. Help me to recognize your presence. Take away my physical pain, mental anguish, and spiritual grief. Cleanse my body, mind, heart, and entire being with your healing oil. Make me whole. Renew my soul for your service. May your anointing bring relief, hope, and the peace that passes understanding. Thank you for your fresh wind and healing oil. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Walking by faith and enjoying the homeschooling adventure of a lifetime!
Davis Carman

© 2019 Davis Carman
Let’s Talk Homeschool Podcast

Davis is the President of Apologia Educational Ministries, the #1 publisher of Creation-based science and Bible curriculum for homeschooling families. He is the author of five illustrated children’s books designed to help parents instill a biblical worldview in the hearts and minds of their preschoolers. He believes that if there was ever a time to homeschool, it is now!
Davis’s four books include: Good Morning, Godbased on Deuteronomy 6, A Light for My Pathan ABC book based on Psalm 119, In the Beginning, based on the Creation account in Genesis, and Psalms to Know Early.

If you enjoyed this devotional by Davis Carman, check out Faith: Four Types of Faith, Which Do You Have? or Repentance: Rend Your Heart, Not Your Garments