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Prep Work

Apologia Marketing|October 9, 2019

“For here we do not have an enduring city,

but we are looking for the city that is to come.” 

Hebrews 13:14

Work Here Prepares Us for Eternity

Often, we may feel as if our time has come and gone, as if we missed the boat, and life sails on without us. This is far from the truth! It is good to remember that not only has our time not come and gone, but it’s not even now. Our real time begins when we pass on to the next life, our eternal destination. The work we do here is preparing us for work in God’s eternal kingdom.

Serving Others In Christ’s Name

Work in the world should always come from a heart to serve. This is the opposite of the world’s system. The world says that the greatest will be served, but Jesus says serving others is the greatest. We need to be faithful and content in obscurity while in the world, knowing it’s the little things we do in Christ’s name that matter. Oswald Chambers said it well: “The real test of the saint is not preaching the gospel, but washing disciples’ feet, that is, doing the things that do not count in the actual estimate of men, but count everything in the estimate of God.”

As We Care for Others, God Cares for Us

I think motherhood taught me this best. Laying down my career with all its accolades and accomplishments for the service of my family was the most humbling thing I’ve ever done. It was a struggle many days to feel significant during diaper changes, feedings, and seemingly endless piles of laundry. There was no paycheck, no awards night, and certainly no annual review with a promised raise! Full-time parenting was used by God in my life to put to death my former self, which desired recognition from my career. Yet, as I cared for my family, He cared for my soul.

Think Divinely:

Don’t let this world tell you your time is done! All the humble things done for God now are preparing you for the greatest service yet to come… in the City of God.

Lisa Quintana is a Christian Apologist and blogs at She is a former broadcast reporter and left her career to stay home and raise her two children. She also homeschooled her son during his middle school years, while earning a Master’s degree in Apologetics at Biola University (Dec. 2017). She now teaches classes at her church in Madison, Wisconsin, and has been happily married for over 26 years.

Make sure to visit Think Divinely and read more on learning to love God with all our hearts, all our souls, and all our MINDS: to Think Divinely!

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