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Wasting Time

Apologia Marketing|November 19, 2019

“And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.”  2 Corinthians 9:8

Are We Wasting Time?

God has good plans for our futures, but sometimes I fear that I’ve wasted precious time. There is time that I can’t take back because of past, bad decisions. Today, I recognize that the only time that matters eternally is time spent doing things for God. But, sometimes that puts pressure on me to not waste one, single second! I fear my own time is not productive enough. Am I ordering my days wisely? I wonder. I read about other women who blog, have a half-dozen homeschooled kids, and somehow end up touring with their newly published New York Times’ Best Sellers List. Really? I’m fortunate to blog a couple of times a month, with just a few faithful subscribers. I haven’t written any best-sellers, and I probably waste more time than I should. Should I try to keep up with the ‘Joneses’? No, that would be striving. Jesus said His yoke was easy. So, how do I balance my time to produce something that matters without being burdened?

Resting and Trusting God is Time Well Spent

The Sabbath rest is one of the Ten Commandments which God established so that we would remember to rest and trust God with our time. If we pour out our hearts before Him, God is our refuge, and He will help us to be wise stewards of time. Since rest is part of His plan, we must let go of our jam-packed schedules to acknowledge that He is in control. We must grow in the grace and knowledge of God. It is in His power to bring about the good things that we desire. We must not fall into a works mentality, and we must trust that it’s God within us that makes it possible for us to spend our time wisely, glorifying Him.

Think Divinely: God is sufficient both to help us not waste time, and also not to be burdened with striving to please Him. It’s all grace.

Lisa Quintana is a Christian Apologist and blogs at She is a former broadcast reporter and left her career to stay home and raise her two children. She also homeschooled her son during his middle school years, while earning a Master’s degree in Apologetics at Biola University (Dec. 2017). She now teaches classes at her church in Madison, Wisconsin, and has been happily married for over 26 years.

Make sure to visit Think Divinely and read more on learning to love God with all our hearts, all our souls, and all our MINDS: to Think Divinely!

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