How Many Times Do I Have to Tell You: Now Is Not the Time
How Many Times Do I Have to Tell You: Now Is Not the Time
By Davis CarmanYou can listen to this Let’s Talk Homeschool podcast episode or watch it on YouTube. Introduction Have you ever told your kids, “Now is not the time”? As parents, we often find ourselves in situations where we must explain the importance of timing to our children. Whether it’s a kid wanting a cupcake for breakfast...Read More
The Proud and Lasting Legacy of Dads
By Davis CarmanIn the spirit of Father’s Day, I can’t resist the temptation to present some classic dad jokes. You want to keep reading. I know you do. I was at a homeschool conference located on the shores of New Jersey over the weekend. As I was observing the wildlife, I asked myself why seagulls fly over...Read More
My Junk Drawer
By Rachael CarmanThis is what’s in the official Carman Family junk drawer in the kitchen. It is supposed to have handy writing utensils, a Post-it pad, some scissors (yeah, right), some tape, maybe a Sharpie; you get it – miscellaneous stuff. But those things are not usually in there. It’s supposed to be a place we can...Read More
Around the World in Seven Days
By Davis Carman“For what can be known about God is plain to them…For his invisible attributes, namely his eternal power and divine nature have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things which have been made…Claiming to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images...Read More
Devotional: A Call to “Lock Down” and Grieve Our Sin
By Davis Carman…though your sins are as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow… — Isaiah 1:18 An Infectious Disease Sin is infectious and deadly. It affects everyone and everything it touches. This infectious nature makes sin not unlike the coronoavirus. During the recent pandemic, the world went into a full-on lockdown in an attempt to...Read More
The Heavens Proclaim the Work of their Creator
By Davis Carman The Heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims His handiwork. –Psalm 19:1 By God alone can God be known. The first half of this chapter is all about how God reveals Himself through Creation—known as general revelation. The second half covers God’s written Word—known as special revelation. General Revelation Creation testifies,...Read More
Plan Your Work, Work Your Plan, Anticipate Resistance
By Davis CarmanA man plans his ways, but the Lord determines his steps. –Proverbs 16:9 Do you make homeschool plans? I’m a big planner. My wife shares my affinity for planning. We like making a list of tasks to complete, designing a schedule for when we will tackle each item, and then putting our noses to the...Read More
Devotional: A Younger Son, an Older Son, and a Father
By Davis CarmanThe older brother was angry and wouldn’t go in. His father came out and begged him. — Luke 15:28 The Prodigal Son Story You probably are familiar with the parable of The Prodigal Son. In Act One, the younger son asks his father for his share of the inheritance. The father gives, and the son...Read More
7 Kids, 49 lessons
By Rachael CarmanArticles about parenting are continually being published. There are even magazines entirely dedicated to the topic. You can find articles titled things like: “Tips and Tricks,” “Things that Work,” “How NOT to Mess-up Your Kids,” “What My Parents Did Wrong,” or “How to Avoid Being Your Mother to Your Kids.” As parents, we are constantly...Read More
What Does the Bible Say About Homeschooling?
By Alyssa EspositoRaising children in the admonition of the Lord is a truly monumental, yet glorious, responsibility. As parents, we want the best for our kids. But how can we know we are raising them to become spouses, parents, and workers who love, serve, and honor the Lord? Let’s take a look at what the Bible says...Read More