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Homeschool Rocks

Homeschool Rocks

By Davis CarmanHave you ever seen those rocks in front of public school buildings with a spray-painted message announcing the news of a kid’s birthday? That’s all well and good, but I can think of much bigger news to share. I believe that the best news going on in America right now is the homeschooling movement. In...Read More
What I Did During Summer Vacation

What I Did During Summer Vacation

By Davis CarmanOur Summer Vacation Summer vacation – how many times did you get this writing assignment as a school-age kid? I personally enjoyed putting pen to paper each September since our family did a fairly good job of making sure a good vacation happened sometime during the summer break. Some years we went on a camping...Read More
Artist and Author Eric Carle’s Comments on Home and School

Artist and Author Eric Carle’s Comments on Home and School

By Davis CarmanEric Carle’s Comments on Home and School On May 23, 2021, Eric Carle passed away after a lifetime of achievements spanning 91 years. He is best known for his illustrated children’s books including Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? and The Very Hungry Caterpillar. He illustrated more than 70 books, writing most of...Read More
Are Government Preschools a Good or Bad Idea?

Are Government Preschools a Good or Bad Idea?

By Davis CarmanAre Government Preschools a Good or Bad Idea? You may have heard that the current presidential administration is proposing that the government get into the business of providing “free” preschool. Of course, it won’t be free. But I’m getting ahead of myself. Let’s take a quick look at the pros and cons of the idea....Read More
What Will It Take?

What Will It Take?

By Davis CarmanYou Learned That You Really Can Homeschool In February 2020, you may have believed there was no way you could ever educate your kids at home. Maybe you thought it would be too hard, that you were too impatient or disorganized or simply not smart enough. Or perhaps you had the confidence and the chutzpah...Read More
Think Like Christ, Be Like Christ, Do Like Christ

Think Like Christ, Be Like Christ, Do Like Christ

By Davis CarmanDo not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. (Romans 12:2) In Romans 12:1–21, the apostle Paul pens a wonderful admonition that I would humbly summarize in three points: Think like Christ. Be like Christ. Do like Christ. Renewing Your Mind to Think and Be Like...Read More