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The Secret to Success- A Secret Ingredient?

The Secret to Success- A Secret Ingredient?

By Davis CarmanWhy do some people succeed when others don’t?  Why do some people simply rise to the top? Is it ability, practice, or luck? Is there a secret ingredient?  Malcolm Gladwell has written several best-selling books on success in business and decision-making (ex: The Tipping Point and Blink).  In his journalistic investigation titled Outliers, he asked...Read More
The New Socialization

The New Socialization

By Davis CarmanFathers…Take them [your children] by the hand and lead them in the way of the Master. — Ephesians 6:4 (MSG) Even if the name of Ivan Pavlov, the Russian Nobel Prize laureate, doesn’t “ring a bell,” you’ve probably heard of his dogs. Pavlov performed neurological experiments with dogs in an attempt to understand reflexes. He...Read More
Four Signs of a Successful Education

Four Signs of a Successful Education

By Davis CarmanHe who loves wisdom makes his father glad… — Proverbs 29:3 In the good ol’ days, schools concentrated on the three R’s. You know- Reading, ‘Riting, and ‘Rithmetic. Maybe they were lax on spelling and heavy on the use of apostrophes, but you get the idea. As the wheels started coming off the government-run institutions,...Read More
Things to Think About in a Post-Roe World: Attitudes and Practices in this Providential Moment

Things to Think About in a Post-Roe World: Attitudes and Practices in this Providential Moment

By Davis CarmanAnd God blessed them. And God said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it…’ — Genesis 1:28 I want you to have kids, kids, and more kids. That pretty much sums up the first words God said to the first man and woman. How well has humankind fared in...Read More
The Charlotte Mason Method: Enriching Children’s Faith and Education

The Charlotte Mason Method: Enriching Children’s Faith and Education

By Alyssa EspositoChances are, if you’re a homeschool mom, you’ve spent some time researching the various homeschooling methods. It’s important to determine the best fit for your family, but it can be a bit overwhelming when there are so many teaching methods to choose from such as Unschooling, Unit-Studies, Classical, Montessori, Traditional, and of course the Charlotte...Read More
Three Reasons to Anticipate Another Surge in Home Education

Three Reasons to Anticipate Another Surge in Home Education

By Davis CarmanAccording to recent articles from The Epoch Times and The Daily Wire, public schools in America might face a severe teacher shortage in the 2022–2023 school year. I have to think this will cause many families to reconsider sending their kids to these institutions. For one thing, public schools are already failing to provide an...Read More
Oh, the Places You will Go! Oh, the God You’ll Come to Know!

Oh, the Places You will Go! Oh, the God You’ll Come to Know!

By Rachael CarmanA Homeschool Graduate Address from Rachael Carman Author and speaker, and homeschool mom of 26 years, Rachael Carman, addressed homeschool graduates at the North Carolinians for Home Education Conference. Watch her inspiring, challenging, and thought-provoking speech to the graduating class of 2022. This – it’s a great book Why it’s sold 12.5 million! And those...Read More
New Season, New Site, New Products, New Sale

New Season, New Site, New Products, New Sale

By Alyssa EspositoSummer is almost here! Whether your family does homeschool all year-round or takes a summer break, it’s an exciting time. There are so many opportunities to learn and spend quality time together outside, enjoying God’s creation when the weather is nice. Trips to the zoo, seashell collecting at the beach, touring national landmarks or parks–...Read More
You Are a Homeschool Hero

You Are a Homeschool Hero

By Davis CarmanIt’s been more than two years since that day in March 2020 when American schools closed their doors and the word “coronavirus” forced its way into everyone’s vocabulary. Suddenly, the education of millions of children and teens ground to a halt. Most parents, understandably in shock, waited for government schools to provide a workable solution....Read More
Support Your Child’s Unique Learning Style

Support Your Child’s Unique Learning Style

By Alyssa EspositoHelp Your Child Thrive with Homeschool Resources to Support Your Child’s Unique Learning Style We all know that each child is incredibly unique. From one child or sibling to the next, the differences are vast. As a homeschool parent, you become aware of each child’s distinct facial characteristics, mannerisms, interests, preferences, motivators, and learning styles....Read More