By Davis CarmanAs a creation-based science, math, and Bible curriculum publisher, it makes sense that one of my personal interests is to be involved in the fight to protect God’s “very good” creation— namely, mankind. Human beings are made in the imago Dei, meaning the “image of God.” So God created man in his own image, in the...Read More
14 Ways to Be a Great Boy Mom
By Rachael CarmanI love my boys. They are not little anymore. In fact, they are all grown. But no matter, I will always smile as I think of the rough and tumble that characterized their younger years. Lots of people don’t ‘get’ boys. They get aggravated, frustrated, annoyed, flustered, and downright angry with boys. The energy, curiosity,...Read More
10 Important Life Skills for High School Students
By Misty BaileyAs homeschool parents, we have the benefit of living life day in and day out with our kids. This gives us an advantage when it comes to teaching many of the necessary life skills our children will need to know before they leave our home. However, each of us will be faced with a child...Read More
Choosing the Best Christian Homeschool Curriculum
By Rachael YunisSociety unconsciously forgets God. But everything—visible and invisible—began in love. Christian homeschool curriculum from Apologia places everything in its proper place so that what begins in love also ends in love. God is present always and everywhere, so why should courses like science and math exclude Him? The Psalms tell us to seek His face...Read More
Easy Homeschool Lunch Ideas for Parents
By Alyssa EspositoAs a homeschool parent, you will enjoy the added benefit of sharing meals gathered around the table throughout the day. This is a beautiful thing, and with a bit of pre-planning, these mealtimes can become a favorite part of your daily homeschool rhythm. Here are some helpful tips to make homeschool lunches a breeze! 1....Read More
Homeschool Castles
By Davis CarmanThe village has been around since the 1700s. The thatch roofs look original and really don’t leak. Each “house”—they look more like huts—is placed on a 10-meter by 15-meter lot, enough room for a one-room schoolhouse. This is certainly small by U.S. standards, but outdoor space is also utilized; a small vegetable garden flourishes there....Read More
Why is it Important to Study History: A Biblical Perspective
By Trisha VuongIn a world marked by constant change, the importance of studying history holds a profound significance for students seeking wisdom and guidance in their journey of faith. As followers of Christ, we are called to reflect on the past and draw lessons that inform our present actions and shape our future. So, let’s explore the...Read More
Fall in Love with the Science of Autumn: Hidden Colors Activity
By Rachael YunisFall is a beautiful time of year full of hidden colors from other seasons. In many parts of the world, its crisp, cool air and colorful trees leave families wanting to spend as much time outdoors as possible. Opportunities for camping trips, bonfires, farmer’s markets, and community fairs and festivals show up throughout weekends in...Read More
Don’t Settle for an Elf on a Shelf
By Rachael CarmanWe all know the tune “Santa Claus is Coming To Town.” You better watch out You better not cry You better not pout I’m telling you why Santa Claus is coming to town He’s making a list He’s checking it twice He’s gonna find out Who’s naughty or nice Santa Claus is comin’ to...Read More
The Science Behind a Solar Eclipse
By Davis CarmanPsalm 148:3 Praise Him, sun and moon, praise Him, all you shining stars! Exploring Creation Apologia is known for science. As the number-one publisher of creation-based science, math, and Bible curricula for homeschool families, we have received hundreds of number-one awards for over two decades. Exploring Creation with is one of our registered trademarks and...Read More