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Devotional: A Call to “Lock Down” and Grieve Our Sin

Devotional: A Call to “Lock Down” and Grieve Our Sin

By Davis Carman…though your sins are as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow… — Isaiah 1:18 An Infectious Disease Sin is infectious and deadly. It affects everyone and everything it...Read More
The Heavens Proclaim the Work of their Creator

The Heavens Proclaim the Work of their Creator

By Davis Carman The Heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims His handiwork. –Psalm 19:1 By God alone can God be known. The first half of this chapter is...Read More
Devotional: A Younger Son, an Older Son, and a Father

Devotional: A Younger Son, an Older Son, and a Father

By Davis CarmanThe older brother was angry and wouldn’t go in. His father came out and begged him. — Luke 15:28 The Prodigal Son Story You probably are familiar with the parable...Read More
Beware of Being H.A.L.T.S.

Beware of Being H.A.L.T.S.

By Davis CarmanWatch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. — Matthew 26:41 Scripture tells us that Jesus faced the...Read More
The Valley (Not the Mountaintop) is the Place of Vision

The Valley (Not the Mountaintop) is the Place of Vision

By Davis CarmanAn oracle concerning the valley of vision. (Isaiah 22:1) My morning and evening readings often include a selection from The Valley of Vision. This is a collection of Puritan prayers...Read More
God, The Word, is…

God, The Word, is…

By Davis CarmanIn the beginning, was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God…All things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that...Read More
What I Did During Summer Vacation

What I Did During Summer Vacation

By Davis CarmanOur Summer Vacation Summer vacation – how many times did you get this writing assignment as a school-age kid? I personally enjoyed putting pen to paper each September since our...Read More
A Homeschooling Prayer… or Two… or Three…

A Homeschooling Prayer… or Two… or Three…

By Davis CarmanDuring the summer of 2020, the Apologia team committed to praying every day from June 19 through September 7. Our motivation was the fact that tens of millions of parents...Read More
One Nation, Divided

One Nation, Divided

By Davis CarmanEvery kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and no city or house divided against itself will stand. (Matthew 12:25) When I attended public elementary school in the late 1960s,...Read More
Is It Possible to Rejoice During the Coronavirus Crisis?

Is It Possible to Rejoice During the Coronavirus Crisis?

By Davis CarmanStill, fears abound. As a result, many people will be seeking God for answers. Philippians 4 reminds us Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoiceRead More