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The ABCs of Life

The ABCs of Life

By Davis CarmanWhat are the ABCs of Life? There are three things we all seek in life—Achievement, Beauty, and Community. Read more in this devotional. Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. — Matthew 7:7 Although I am not a pastor, I have...Read More
Devotional: A Call to “Lock Down” and Grieve Our Sin

Devotional: A Call to “Lock Down” and Grieve Our Sin

By Davis Carman…though your sins are as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow… — Isaiah 1:18 An Infectious Disease Sin is infectious and deadly. It affects everyone and everything it touches. This infectious nature makes sin not unlike the coronoavirus. During the recent pandemic, the world went into a full-on lockdown in an attempt to...Read More
Devotional: A Younger Son, an Older Son, and a Father

Devotional: A Younger Son, an Older Son, and a Father

By Davis CarmanThe older brother was angry and wouldn’t go in. His father came out and begged him. — Luke 15:28 The Prodigal Son Story You probably are familiar with the parable of The Prodigal Son. In Act One, the younger son asks his father for his share of the inheritance. The father gives, and the son...Read More
Has anyone seen my magic wand?

Has anyone seen my magic wand?

By Rachael CarmanHas anyone seen my magic wand? It’s got to be around here somewhere, or at least I thought it was…. The laundry is piling up. Dinner needs to be fixed. I need to call Mom, get ready for the day – oh, and shower! Do any of you remember Bewitched? It was the forerunner to...Read More
Life’s Ultimate Questions

Life’s Ultimate Questions

By Davis CarmanFor all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. — Romans 3:23 Does God exist? Is truth knowable? What is the purpose of life? These are some of life’s ultimate questions. Are there answers? And how well do your answers conform to reality? When you compare the worldviews and religions around the globe,...Read More
God’s Anointed One

God’s Anointed One

By Davis CarmanYou anoint my head with oil. (Psalm 23:5) There are plenty of examples in Scripture of anointing. David was anointed by the prophet Saul as the future king of Israel (1 Samuel 16:12–13). Naomi instructed Ruth to anoint herself with oil before meeting Boaz (Ruth 3:3). The prophet Elijah anointed Elisha to be his successor (1 Kings...Read More
What to Prioritize in Your Homeschool?

What to Prioritize in Your Homeschool?

By Davis CarmanHis divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence. — 2 Peter 1:3 When you made the big life decision to homeschool your children, you took on the monumental responsibility to train, disciple, and educate...Read More
Only Two Options

Only Two Options

By Davis CarmanMay is a month for graduations. At the Carman home, we’ll celebrate a homeschool graduation this Saturday. But it’s not our first rodeo. As a matter of fact, this will be our seventh and final ceremony complete with all the fixings: food, dessert, speeches, pictures, dancing, and more. I’ll be sure to take it all...Read More
My Personal Four-Phase Plan for Post-COVID-19

My Personal Four-Phase Plan for Post-COVID-19

By Davis CarmanMy Personal Four-Phase Plan for Post-COVID-19 For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison. (2 Corinthians 4:17) In March, April, and May of 2020, we all got to experience loss. Shelter-at-home orders resulted in all kinds of cancellations. Everyone stayed home and away from school buildings,...Read More
Devotional: Good Works

Devotional: Good Works

By Davis CarmanSo also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. (James 2:17) If you’ve ever been to a wedding or are addicted to the Hallmark Channel, you’re probably familiar with this phrase: “I now pronounce you husband and wife.” Equally well known is the line that follows: “You may kiss the bride.”...Read More