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General Science Textbook Front Cover

Award-Winning General Science Homeschool Curriculum

This homeschool General Science course is designed to be the first course of middle school and walks students through the transition from elementary to middle school sciences. This General Science course gives students an understanding of the world that surrounds them so they can appreciate the real-world relevance of scientific inquiry and the beauty of Creation.

Recommended Grade Level: 7th – 8th grade

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Try Apologia's Self-Paced General Science Course

Students gain a better understanding of the world that surrounds them through this general science course. This course covers a wide variety of branches of science, including astronomy, meteorology, oceanography, earth study, geology, paleontology, and environmental science.

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Course Details & Demo

What is Included in This General Science Course?

Apologia’s homeschool, middle school general science course includes:

  • An introduction to the scientific method to give students an understanding of how to observe, record and report scientific data.
  • How to read, create, and utilize several types of graphs (a skill that is found on SAT and ACT exams!).
  • Hands-on labs that highlight and explain the lab report write-up process in details. 
  • How to build test-taking skills by allowing students to take open-book tests in the first two modules so they can become familiar with the format of the course.
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What is the Format of Homeschool General Science?

  • Written Directly to the Student

    Because our texts are written in a conversational tone, the textbook is the expert in interacting with the student. There are no teacher manuals required.

  • Flexible Daily Schedule Provided

    A flexible daily schedule is provided in your student’s notebook so that they can independently work on their science assignments.

    A typical week requires studying science about 1 hour a day for 5 days. During this time, students read an assigned portion of their General Science textbook, stopping throughout each section to answer “On Your Own” questions to test their comprehension before moving forward. Students self-check their answers against the detailed answers provided at the end of each module.

  • Recording Notes and Data in the Student Notebook

    The General Science student notebook helps students keep a carefully organized, detailed, and complete lab notebook, recording labs they conducted as they learn the scientific method.

    Taking good notes while reading can make the difference between mastering a concept and not quite understanding it. Good notes provide the following advantages:

    • Students stay focused on what they are reading.
    • Students pay closer attention, which will increase their retention.
    • Students have their own version of the text to review for tests.
    • Students learn to connect new information to what they already know.

    The General Science student notebook is specifically designed to help students be independent and take responsibility for their science studies as they gain and maintain the personal abilities to create structure and logic through note-taking.

  • Hands-on Labs

    In early modules, specific portions of the text are highlighted so students know where to find important information and are guided through the lab write-up process. Although students may complete more than one experiment in a module, they are given the opportunity to choose to complete a single lab report, thus building on interest-driven learning. Lab report samples are provided so the students learn proper formatting. All of the experiments in this course utilize easy-to-obtain household materials to demonstrate complex scientific principles, so no special equipment is necessary.

  • History of Great, Godly Scientists

    Throughout this General Science course your student will learn about many great historical and modern-day scientists who studied our world out of a desire to better know God as its Creator. As they engage with the curriculum, they will not only be invited and inspired to better understand science and the world around them, but also the God who created it all.

  • Review and Testing

    There are tests provided for each module, however, students are given many study tips via their student notes within the student notebook, and a practice Study Guide they complete once at the end of each module. The first two module tests are assigned to be given as open-book tests so that students learn the format of this course and more easily transition to improve the skill of test-taking–a valuable skill for upper grades and even college work.

What Topics are Covered in This Middle School General Science Course?

Our award-winning, creation-based homeschool science curriculum helps students investigate, discover, recognize, appreciate, discuss, and understand the wonders of Creation.

Middle school students are led through the transition from elementary sciences with an introduction to the scientific method, note-taking, and test-taking in a way that isn’t overwhelming. Using a conversational tone, we present science concepts and thought-provoking experiments in an easily navigated, personalized format to help students methodically learn, self-check, and master difficult concepts before moving on.

We keep science relevant, and as part of this course, you can unlock free bonus content through book extras so that students can see science in action.

The Table of Contents for Exploring Creation with General Science is as follows:

  • Module 1: The History Of Science—search For The Truth
  • Module 2: Scientific Inquiry And The Scientific Method
  • Module 3: Documenting And Interpreting Experimental Results
  • Module 4: Scientific Analysis And History
  • Module 5: Earth Science—astronomy
  • Module 6: Earth Science—geology And Paleontology
  • Module 7: Earth Science—meteorology And Oceanography
  • Module 8: General Chemistry
  • Module 9: General Physics
  • Module 10: Life Science
  • Module 11: General Biology
  • Module 12: Marine Science
  • Module 13: Environmental Science
  • Module 14: Science And Creation
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What Our Customers Are Saying


Finishing up General Science and headed into Physical Science next. The material is stepped up a notch from Elementary and is very comprehensive.


I love the depth of information in your General Science course. You show how science is real, but only when viewed from a Biblical worldview. Thank you for all the hard work you put into your materials. We love them!



My 7th-grade daughter is using your General Science curriculum this year & it’s going well! I love how it’s helping her to transition into more independent learning!

Available Video Lessons

Enrich your middle school student’s learning with the video lessons available for Exploring Creation with General Science. In the videos, Sherri Seligson lectures on each section of the textbook, using visual animations and on-location video clips. This helps students absorb the concepts in a richer and more engaging way, and it encompasses all types of learners. The animations help explain more difficult concepts in a three-dimensional, interactive way rather than in a static, two-dimensional text only. And the medium allows students to review material until they really understand it.

This course includes:

  • On-location footage and more than twenty hours of instruction
  • PowerPoint lectures
  • Animated diagrams of difficult concepts
  • Video presentations of every lab from the textbook

Watch a Sample Video Lesson

Enhance Your Middle School Student’s Learning with Apologia’s General Science Course

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