Apologia’s Live Online Forensics class delves into the intersection of scientific facts and justice, recognizing the importance of truth in forensic investigations. Students will uncover biblical principles woven into the fabric of justice and learn how forensic science aligns with timeless principles. Register now for an enriching experience that combines scientific exploration with a biblical worldview!
View or download the class syllabus.
View SyllabusInstructor
J. Austin Powell
CFE, M.A., Exec. Cert. in Public Policy
J. Austin Powell is a retired law enforcement professional with over 28 years of service at both local and federal levels, including senior policy advisory roles and extensive experience in preparing official responses and testimony to Congress. He has personally testified before a state-level General Assembly and is recognized as an expert in policy development impacting the global operations of a Cabinet-level federal law enforcement agency. His contributions include drafting portions of U.S. law signed by the President. Additionally, he is a Certified Fraud Examiner and serves on the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners’ Advisory Council.
Required Class Materials
- Digital ebook version of Exploring Creation with High School Forensics by Joseph A. Prahlow, M.D. (digital ebook access is included in class purchase)
- Exploring Creation with High School Forensics Course Guide & Answer Key
- Exploring Creation with High School Forensics Student Notebook
Parents will be responsible for the completion and grading of labs; a lab supply list will be forthcoming.
Course Topics
- The United States Legal System
- Fingerprints
- Trace Evidence — Hairs & Fibers
- Impression & Toolmark Evidence
- Toxicology & Chromatography
- Firearms Examination
- Death Investigation & Forensic Pathology
- Forensic Anthropology
- Forensic Odontology
- Forensic Entomology
- Bloodstain Evidence
- Forensic Serology and DNA Testing
- Other Forensic Sciences
- Crime Scene
Recorded Classes
All classes are video recorded and available for students to watch later so they don’t miss any instruction.
International Students
We welcome international students from across the world. Please note that all classes are taught in the eastern time zone.
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Terms and Conditions
You must review and agree to all live class terms and conditions prior to purchase.