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Tips for Creating a Homeschool Daily Schedule from a Mom of 9

Tips for Creating a Homeschool Daily Schedule from a Mom of 9

By April LeshFor all of you Type A homeschoolers out there, the words “structure” and “routine” translate to blissful harmony in the soul. Scheduling your school day is a no-brainer and is achieved oh-so-effortlessly. For the Type B’s (like me), those words are akin to a foreign language. It’s a language we want to know, but it’s...Read More
Choosing the Best Christian Homeschool Curriculum

Choosing the Best Christian Homeschool Curriculum

By Rachael YunisSociety unconsciously forgets God. But everything—visible and invisible—began in love. Christian homeschool curriculum from Apologia places everything in its proper place so that what begins in love also ends in love. God is present always and everywhere, so why should courses like science and math exclude Him? The Psalms tell us to seek His face...Read More
Creative Homeschool Classroom Ideas for Engaging Learning

Creative Homeschool Classroom Ideas for Engaging Learning

By Alyssa EspositoEducation is an atmosphere, a discipline, a life -Charlotte Mason No matter your educational upbringing, we can all agree that the learning environment makes a huge difference in a student’s education. It can affect how well they retain the information presented, how many subjects they study, the depth in which they study them, and their...Read More
5 Charlotte Mason Values: And Comparisons to Traditional Schooling

5 Charlotte Mason Values: And Comparisons to Traditional Schooling

By Davis CarmanIf you’ve been running in homeschool circles or researching home education online, you’ve probably heard of Charlotte Mason. Apologia’s curriculum is based on the Charlotte Mason educational philosophy. But what are the Charlotte Mason values, and how can you incorporate it into your homeschool? “Education is a life, an atmosphere, a discipline.” – Charlotte Mason, 1842-1923...Read More
Things to Think About in a Post-Roe World: Attitudes and Practices in this Providential Moment

Things to Think About in a Post-Roe World: Attitudes and Practices in this Providential Moment

By Davis CarmanAnd God blessed them. And God said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it…’ — Genesis 1:28 I want you to have kids, kids, and more kids. That pretty much sums up the first words God said to the first man and woman. How well has humankind fared in...Read More
The Charlotte Mason Method: Enriching Children’s Faith and Education

The Charlotte Mason Method: Enriching Children’s Faith and Education

By Alyssa EspositoChances are, if you’re a homeschool mom, you’ve spent some time researching the various homeschooling methods. It’s important to determine the best fit for your family, but it can be a bit overwhelming when there are so many teaching methods to choose from such as Unschooling, Unit-Studies, Classical, Montessori, Traditional, and of course the Charlotte...Read More