The ABCs of Life
What are the ABCs of Life? There are three things we all seek in life—Achievement, Beauty, and Community. Read more in this devotional.
Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.
Although I am not a pastor, I have had the opportunity to preach a few sermons. I still remember the very first “sermon” I presented when I was 14-years-old at the church where I grew up in northeast Ohio. I was part of a father-son discipleship program, and each teenager was supposed to prepare a short sermon to present on a particular Sunday evening. My sermon was titled “The ABCs of Life,” and it probably took me all of five minutes to deliver.
My message wasn’t complicated, yet in my young mind, I believed it was important. I wanted my listeners to have an easy way to remember the points, hence the simple and memorable ABC outline. I might be unnecessarily patting myself on the back right now, but I find it interesting how relevant and accurate the points remain. So today—almost fifty years later—I think my sermonette deserves another presentation.
The gist of my sermon was this: there are three things we all seek in life—Achievement, Beauty, and Community.
The ABCs of Life
A – Achievement
Are you working to earn God’s favor? Are you trying to prove to God that you are better than everyone else? When you look at salvation, Scripture is crystal clear that we can’t earn this on our own. Ephesians 2:8-9 states that we are saved by grace through faith. This is not of our own doing. It is the gift of God, not of works, so that no one may boast.
And yet, when you continue reading and look at verse 10, we find that God created us to do good works. That desire deep in your gut to do something significant is real and God-given.
Christ continually shouts through the universe, “You have nothing to prove to anyone. You have nothing to prove to Me. You are significant, pre-approved, and utterly cherished, not because you are ‘good,’ but because you are mine.”
Seek to do the good works that God prepared in advance for you to do (Ephesians 2:10). Remember, the good you do shouldn’t be about the spotlight. It’s to bring glory to God Almighty, the maker of Heaven and Earth.
So, will you relax and let Christ do the achieving for you?
B – Beauty (or Brains or Brawn)
Here are some additional words that explain this point: We are all seeking success, attention, and accolades. The idea behind the first point is that we are seeking God’s approval by what we do. With this point, whether beauty, brains, or brawn, you might be seeking God’s approval because of who you are. In other words, in your mind, you may see yourself as being simply worthy. With achievements, you had to do the hard work and earn it. With beauty, brains, or brawn, you couldn’t help it; you were born that way. “I’m awesome, and I know it!” Really?
Somehow we believe that if we are beautiful, smart, or strong enough, others will notice us, and we’ll finally feel good about ourselves—we can look in the mirror and feel happy with what we see. We need to remember that man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart (1 Samuel 16:7).
Among God’s many attributes, He is perfect, holy, omniscient, and Almighty. So, is it even possible to be worthy of His attention? God is seeking people with humble and contrite hearts (Psalm 51:17), and the world’s standard for beauty, smarts, and power is fleeting and changes with the times.
So, are you seeking to be beautiful in the eyes of God?
C – Community
The C in the ABCs of life is Community. This is about belonging somewhere and finding others who accept us for who we are—warts and all. Doesn’t everyone want the wink, nod, smile, and thumbs-up from our dad or someone we respect and look up to? We want love and acceptance.
Do you know God already loves you and wants His best for you? What you were told in Sunday school is true: Jesus really does love you. The world isn’t so reliable. The world may not always accept us, and when it does, it can be fickle about it.
We were made for relationships. We want to find a place where people know our name and our story and still love us. This is why family is so vital and why a healthy family is good for the soul, while a dysfunctional family can cause so much damage. The same is true of friends.
But are we “looking for love in all the wrong places?” Sometimes, we find “our people” on a team, at work, or in a volunteer community service organization. But have we experienced the common bond that can be found among brothers and sisters in Christ? There is a Christian hymn with lyrics that sum up this concept:
Blest be the tie that binds
Our hearts in Christian love
The fellowship of kindred minds
Is like to that above.
We all crave community and connection but don’t always look for it in the right places. So, are you seeking to be a part of God’s community?
Dear Father in Heaven,
I am weak and needy. I desperately seek and desire to do good works that bring glory to You alone. I want to experience Your beauty. So give me a humble and pure heart, and steer me away from self-obsession. I want to be part of Your family, the very body of Christ—the church. Your word says that if I ask, you will give; if I seek, I will find, and if I knock, You will open the door for me. That is my heart’s desire. Thank you in advance for providing everything I need for life and Godliness.
In Jesus’s Name,
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