In Apologia’s Live High School Astronomy class, students will marvel at the constellations, study the planets in our solar system, and discover dark matter. They will also learn how to defend the truth of Creation. Students will see how every observable thing in the cosmos points to God’s masterful design of our universe.
View or download the class syllabus.
View SyllabusRequired Class Materials
- Ludwiczak, Damian R., Exploring Creation with High School Astronomy Textbook. Apologia Educational Ministries, 2021. (ISBN 978-1-946506-71-9)
- Danny R. Faulkner, Falling Flat: A Refutation of Flat Earth Claims, 2019. (ISBN: 978-1-68344-206-6)
- Lisle, Dr. Jason, Taking Back Astronomy. Answers in Genesis, 2006. (ISBN: 978-0-890514-71-9)
- Faulkner, Dr. Danny R., Astronomy Pocket Guide. Answers in Genesis, 2021. (ISBN: 978-1-984409-23-2)
- Faulkner, Dr. Danny R., The Created Cosmos. Master Books, 2016. (ISBN: 978-0-890519-73-8)
- Faulkner, Dr. Danny R., The Expanse of Heaven: Where Creation & Astronomy Intersect. Master Books, 2017. (ISBN: 978-1-683440-98-7)
- Computer with microphone
Course Topics
- Mysteries of the Universe (as detailed in Genesis 1)
- Space and Interstellar Space
- Normal Matter, Antimatter, and Dark Matter
- Black Holes and Wormholes
- The History of Astronomy
- Astronomical Measurement
- The Model of Our Solar System
- The Sun and the Electromagnetic Spectrum
- The Inner Planets
- Orbital Mechanics
- The Moon
- Types of Telescopes
- The Outer Planets
- Dwarf Planets and the Asteroid Belt
- Stars and Constellations
- Galaxies
- Celestial Navigation
Creation Philosophy
As Biblical Creationists, we expect that the universe would be understandable and operate in a logical fashion since it was created by a logical God. We interpret cosmic evidence in light of biblical history, which is consistent with Biblical Creation. God designed the human mind, allowing us to study and understand aspects of the universe. No field of science would be possible if the universe were an accident.
Course Specifics
There will be many assignments but no major exams. This course provides students with the opportunity to contemplate science and Creation without the pressure of the exams that core sciences require.
Recorded Classes
All classes are video recorded and available for students to watch later so they don’t miss any instruction. If the day/time of the class does not work well for your student, you can still register for this live class. Notify your teacher that you will watch the recorded class within a day or two of the live class and meet all live class deadlines. If a student watches the recorded classes, they will still have full access to the Apologia student portal and the instructor.
International Students
We welcome international students from across the world. Please note that all classes are taught in the eastern time zone.
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