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Astronomy, Astrology, and a Parade of Planets

Astronomy, Astrology, and a Parade of Planets

By Davis CarmanBiology, Zoology, Geology. I assume you know that the suffix of these words (i.e., “ology”) means “the study of.” Therefore, you can quickly determine that the corresponding definitions of these words are the study of living organisms, the study of animals, and the study of Earth. What other “ology” words can you think of? The...Read More
The Maker of Heaven and Earth

The Maker of Heaven and Earth

By Davis CarmanIsaiah 40:28 states: “Have you not known? Have you not heard? The everlasting God, the Lord, the creator of the ends of the earth, neither faints nor is weary. His understanding is unsearchable.” Almighty God is the maker of heaven and earth. Without Him, nothing that exists would come into being. He is the only...Read More
The 2024 Olympic Opening Ceremony: From a Biblical Worldview

The 2024 Olympic Opening Ceremony: From a Biblical Worldview

By Davis CarmanIf you watched any of the 2024 Olympic Games held in Paris, you are most likely aware of the controversy surrounding the Olympic opening ceremony.  Many articles, podcasts, social media videos, and satires were posted in response. As the publisher of Creation-based science, math, and Bible curricula, I had an immediate reaction as well. And...Read More
Creation – The Who, What, Why, and How?

Creation – The Who, What, Why, and How?

By Davis CarmanFor we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now. And not only the creation, but we ourselves…  — Romans 8:22-23a The “How” Apologia publishes creation-based science, math, and Bible curriculum. When you hear the term “creation-based,” what comes to mind? Maybe the first thing that pops...Read More
Around the World in Seven Days

Around the World in Seven Days

By Davis Carman“For what can be known about God is plain to them…For his invisible attributes, namely his eternal power and divine nature have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things which have been made…Claiming to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images...Read More
The Heavens Proclaim the Work of their Creator

The Heavens Proclaim the Work of their Creator

By Davis Carman The Heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims His handiwork. –Psalm 19:1 By God alone can God be known. The first half of this chapter is all about how God reveals Himself through Creation—known as general revelation. The second half covers God’s written Word—known as special revelation. General Revelation Creation testifies,...Read More
The Heart of Apologia

The Heart of Apologia

By Rachael YunisSomeone recently asked me to describe the “Heart of Apologia.” It took me a moment to contemplate what they were really asking me to do. There were so many ways I could have taken my response. The people I work with at Apologia are some of my good friends. And I know that we all...Read More
Fall in Love with the Science of Autumn: Hidden Colors Activity

Fall in Love with the Science of Autumn: Hidden Colors Activity

By Rachael YunisFall is a beautiful time of year full of hidden colors from other seasons. In many parts of the world, its crisp, cool air and colorful trees leave families wanting to spend as much time outdoors as possible. Opportunities for camping trips, bonfires, farmer’s markets, and community fairs and festivals show up throughout weekends in...Read More
The Science Behind a Solar Eclipse

The Science Behind a Solar Eclipse

By Davis CarmanPsalm 148:3 Praise Him, sun and moon, praise Him, all you shining stars! Exploring Creation Apologia is known for science. As the number-one publisher of creation-based science, math, and Bible curricula for homeschool families, we have received hundreds of number-one awards for over two decades. Exploring Creation with is one of our registered trademarks and...Read More
3rd Grade Homeschool Curriculum Bundle

3rd Grade Homeschool Curriculum Bundle

By Alyssa EspositoDiscover the 3rd grade homeschool curriculum your student will love with Apologia’s science, math, and worldview curriculum. Should you decide to follow our suggested curriculum path, your student will spend the year discovering God’s amazing flying and swimming creatures and land animals, diving into multiplication, division, graphing, fractions, geometry, and learning the foundational truths of...Read More