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How Do Homeschoolers Do After Graduation?

How Do Homeschoolers Do After Graduation?

By Misty BaileyWhen I began homeschooling in 2009, I didn’t give much thought to the high school years or even what life would be like for my kids after homeschooling. At that time, I was waist-deep in littles. As the years went on, the thought of high school and the future began to appear on the horizon,...Read More
This Kairos Moment

This Kairos Moment

By Davis CarmanThe Greek language has two words for “time” — chronos and kairos. Chronos is quantitative, denoting chronological or sequential time — the forward propelling of time that we measure with clocks. On the other hand, kairos is qualitative. It is the right, critical, proper, and opportune time to take action. Kairos means taking advantage of or even creating a perfect moment to deliver a...Read More
Artist and Author Eric Carle’s Comments on Home and School

Artist and Author Eric Carle’s Comments on Home and School

By Davis CarmanEric Carle’s Comments on Home and School On May 23, 2021, Eric Carle passed away after a lifetime of achievements spanning 91 years. He is best known for his illustrated children’s books including Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? and The Very Hungry Caterpillar. He illustrated more than 70 books, writing most of...Read More
1776 v. 1619

1776 v. 1619

By Davis CarmanThe fight for truth is never over. The title of this article is  1776 v. 1619 — an obvious play on two contrasting projects. Learn the difference and teach your kids the truth about history! For years, homeschooling parents had to face the common question, “What about socialization?” But for many families, socialization was actually...Read More
With Everyone Super – No One Will Be

With Everyone Super – No One Will Be

By Davis CarmanThere has been a slow and steady trend of grade inflation, and this is not helping our students. Is there homeschool grading inflation in your homeschool? Let’s take a look at what happens when everyone is super! The Slow and Steady Trend of Grade Inflation I remember being a Teacher’s Assistant when I was in...Read More
A Homeschooling Prayer… or Two… or Three…

A Homeschooling Prayer… or Two… or Three…

By Davis CarmanJoin with the team at Apologia for a homeschooling prayer, or two, or three. We challenge you to pray for homeschooling as it continues to rise across the country. During the summer of 2020, the Apologia team committed to praying every day from June 19 through September 7. Our motivation was the fact that tens...Read More
One Nation, Divided

One Nation, Divided

By Davis CarmanEvery kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and no city or house divided against itself will stand. (Matthew 12:25) When I attended public elementary school in the late 1960s, we started each school day by saying the pledge of allegiance. As I progressed through junior high and into high school during the ’70s, reciting...Read More
Abiding in Christ – A Devotional on John 15:5

Abiding in Christ – A Devotional on John 15:5

By Davis CarmanThe devotional below was written by Davis Carman, president of Apologia and a long-time homeschooling dad. We pray it brings you an encouraging time of meditating on His Word, finding rest, and being confident in your role He gifted you as a homeschool parent. “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in...Read More
God at Work

God at Work

By Apologia MarketingLook among the nations, and see; wonder and be astounded. For I am doing a work in your days that you would not believe if told. (Habakkuk 1:5) How Long, Oh Lord? Have you ever prayed for months or even years for a personal breakthrough or solution to a problem? After days of feeling like...Read More
Fresh Wind and Healing Oil – Holy Spirit Refreshment

Fresh Wind and Healing Oil – Holy Spirit Refreshment

By Davis CarmanFresh Wind and Healing Oil – Holy Spirit Refreshment  “The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.” (John 3:8) God Breathes His Spirit Into Those Who Receive His...Read More