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It’s Official—I’m an Eclipse Hunter

It’s Official—I’m an Eclipse Hunter

By Davis CarmanEclipse Mania Did you see the total solar eclipse that occurred on Monday, April 8, 2024? If not, I imagine you didn’t miss the countless articles on the subject. Editorials were in abundant supply prior to the eclipse such as here and here, and, of course, NASA has its own website dedicated to the cause...Read More
Introducing Exploring Creation with Zoology 2: Swimming Creatures of the Fifth Day, 2nd Edition

Introducing Exploring Creation with Zoology 2: Swimming Creatures of the Fifth Day, 2nd Edition

By Alyssa EspositoIntroducing Exploring Creation with Zoology 2: Swimming Creatures of the Fifth Day, 2nd Edition, one of several exciting new Apologia titles for spring 2024. Exploring Creation with Zoology 2 is part of a three-part series in which students explore the animal kingdom and complete hands-on activities to make their learning come to life. Throughout this...Read More
Introducing Self-Paced Literature Unit Study

Introducing Self-Paced Literature Unit Study

By Alyssa EspositoSpark your student’s love of literature with an Apologia Self-Paced Literature Unit Study. In this four-part literature unit study, students will have access to an audio narration of the novel for the course, video lessons, review questions, automatically graded tests, and optional essay topics. This self-directed Unit Study will provide all the learning tools needed...Read More
Introducing Exploring Creation with Mathematics, Level 6

Introducing Exploring Creation with Mathematics, Level 6

By Alyssa EspositoIntroducing Apologia’s newest elementary math title, Exploring Creation with Mathematics, Level 6. This title completes Apologia’s elementary math curriculum series. In Exploring Creation with Mathematics, Level 6, students will learn all about fractions and ratios, rates and probability, and negative numbers. They’ll also receive an introduction to algebra to prepare them for higher-level math courses. Units...Read More
Living Books About Chemistry and Physics

Living Books About Chemistry and Physics

By Trisha VuongWe have compiled a list of 12 living books that will pair well with any study in chemistry and physics. When you are planning a study on chemistry and physics, you may not think about adding living books as a great teaching tool to supplement. However, they help add life and engagement to any subject....Read More
The Ugly Backyard

The Ugly Backyard

By Rachael CarmanGod is so good. I realize that sometimes it is an overused statement, but too often, it is the only statement that can explain Him. He is the Great I Am, the Creator God, the Master of the universe, and He is so good. After selling our house, we needed a rental house until our...Read More
What is an Eclipse?

What is an Eclipse?

By Tabitha LudwiczakIn the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.  —Genesis 1:1 If you’ve turned on the news lately, you may have heard that a total solar eclipse will take place on April 8, 2024. Well, while we are all familiar with our Earth, moon, and sun, every now and then, they line up in...Read More
How to Use Apologia in a Co-Op

How to Use Apologia in a Co-Op

By Alyssa EspositoWe at Apoloiga want to support you and your family in your journey to homeschool. One wonderful resource offered to homeschooling families is the ability to get involved in a co-op. If you’re considering teaching at a co-op, the Apologia Co-Op Kickstart Guide is for you. The guide offers suggested schedules, teaching methods, and additional...Read More
Adapting Any Curriculum to Fit Your Child’s Learning Style

Adapting Any Curriculum to Fit Your Child’s Learning Style

By Rachael YunisHomeschooling families have so many curriculum options available that evaluating each program for a personal fit for your student can be exhausting. There are, however, some key criteria that can help you assess and adapt any curriculum to fit your child’s learning style. Adapt Your Curriculum to Fit Your Child Rather Than Expect Your Child...Read More
Around the World in Seven Days

Around the World in Seven Days

By Davis Carman“For what can be known about God is plain to them…For his invisible attributes, namely his eternal power and divine nature have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things which have been made…Claiming to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images...Read More