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How to Teach Physical Science at Home: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Teach Physical Science at Home: A Comprehensive Guide

By Sherri SeligsonPhysical science is an important subject; it teaches students the basics of much of our world. However, many parents feel unfamiliar with the subject and, therefore, are nervous about teaching it. Parents may be asking things like: What is physical science? What is the best location and situation to teach this subject? Is it worthwhile...Read More
How to Choose the Best Curriculum Resources for High School Biology

How to Choose the Best Curriculum Resources for High School Biology

By Sherri SeligsonThe idea of teaching high school biology can often strike fear in parents. How can I teach a subject I don’t feel capable of teaching? What curriculum do I choose? What about dissections? If you feel this way, you’re not alone. Many parents feel like it is difficult to provide their teens with a quality...Read More
Pumpkin Thinking Putty Activity: Fall in Love with the Science of Autumn

Pumpkin Thinking Putty Activity: Fall in Love with the Science of Autumn

By Rachael YunisWe all fidget, but kids can sometimes be the masters of fidgeting. So, why not give them something to explore with their senses while they listen to their lessons? The Pumpkin Thinking Putty Activity is the perfect fall-themed science activity to add to your homeschool because it helps kids focus when they have something to...Read More
Teaching Preschool at Home: Top Tips for Creating a Christian Preschool Learning Environment at Home

Teaching Preschool at Home: Top Tips for Creating a Christian Preschool Learning Environment at Home

By Rachael YunisAre you looking into homeschooling preschool? Here are top tips for teaching preschool at home! Did you know that a baby giraffe stands minutes after being born? Within an hour, it can run. But God didn’t create humankind to live like the animal kingdom, and I’m grateful we don’t need to be born ready to...Read More
6th Grade Homeschool Curriculum Bundle

6th Grade Homeschool Curriculum Bundle

By Alyssa EspositoIf you’re here, your student has entered the pre-teen years! Whether Apologia has been a staple in your home throughout the elementary years or you’re just looking into what we offer, Apologia’s science, math, and worldview homeschool curricula ensure your student enjoys a year of exploration and wonder. Following the suggested homeschool curriculum path, 6th...Read More
It’s Official—I’m an Eclipse Hunter

It’s Official—I’m an Eclipse Hunter

By Davis CarmanEclipse Mania Did you see the total solar eclipse that occurred on Monday, April 8, 2024? If not, I imagine you didn’t miss the countless articles on the subject. Editorials were in abundant supply prior to the eclipse such as here and here, and, of course, NASA has its own website dedicated to the cause...Read More
What is an Eclipse?

What is an Eclipse?

By Tabitha LudwiczakIn the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.  —Genesis 1:1 If you’ve turned on the news lately, you may have heard that a total solar eclipse will take place on April 8, 2024. Well, while we are all familiar with our Earth, moon, and sun, every now and then, they line up in...Read More
The Heart of Apologia

The Heart of Apologia

By Rachael YunisSomeone recently asked me to describe the “Heart of Apologia.” It took me a moment to contemplate what they were really asking me to do. There were so many ways I could have taken my response. The people I work with at Apologia are some of my good friends. And I know that we all...Read More
Fall in Love with the Science of Autumn: Hidden Colors Activity

Fall in Love with the Science of Autumn: Hidden Colors Activity

By Rachael YunisFall is a beautiful time of year full of hidden colors from other seasons. In many parts of the world, its crisp, cool air and colorful trees leave families wanting to spend as much time outdoors as possible. Opportunities for camping trips, bonfires, farmer’s markets, and community fairs and festivals show up throughout weekends in...Read More
The Science Behind a Solar Eclipse

The Science Behind a Solar Eclipse

By Davis CarmanPsalm 148:3 Praise Him, sun and moon, praise Him, all you shining stars! Exploring Creation Apologia is known for science. As the number-one publisher of creation-based science, math, and Bible curricula for homeschool families, we have received hundreds of number-one awards for over two decades. Exploring Creation with is one of our registered trademarks and...Read More